Combining the ancient wisdom of Advaita Vedanta with modern psychological insights, this site is about understanding the nature of consciousness, liberating the mind and finding peace and freedom in life.
Its message is simple:
You were born to be free.
Suffering comes from being out of alignment with our own nature; from misapprehending who we actually are.
Through ignorance and psychological conditioning, we grow up to become ‘disconnected’ from our own self. We develop a notion of ourselves as a limited, inadequate and dissatisfied person.
Most people go to great lengths to hide it, to keep the world from seeing this less than stellar self-image we have, but the phenomenon is universal.
The disparity between who we are and who we think we are creates an inner civil war, and this war drives much of human behaviour. Ever wondered why the world is such a mess? Look no further.This is identity-based problem — a misapprehension of who we actually are — affects our entire experience of life.
It took me many years to learn this, but there is a way out of this existential pickle.
Suffering is not who we are, and it’s not why we’re here.
We were born to be happy and free and to enjoy life. That’s both our birthright and our natural state.
We all intuitively know this, which is why unhappiness and limitation are so inherently unacceptable to us.
We want to be free. And freedom is always within our reach — because freedom is our essential nature.
I know it might not seem like that. The problem of human suffering is very real, and its effects can be seen as plain as day across the globe.
The solution is available, however, and has been for thousands of years. The problem, as revealed by Vedanta, is self-knowledge, and that is what Unbroken Self is about. I hope you will join me on this journey of self-exploration.
My name is Rory.
I’m an author, artist, meditation teacher and student and teacher of Vedanta. I created this site was a way of sharing all that I’ve learned on my own journey through life.
Here’s a little bit of my story.
Since I was a child I had to deal with a lot of health challenges, both life-threatening and chronic. Forced to spend a lot of time on my own, I often feel like an outsider. I was highly sensitive, creative, and a bit of an introvert by nature.
I was a thinker, too. Now, thinking can be dangerous, but it can also be liberating.
I grew up with a tendency to question things. I always knew there was more to life than we can see and feel with our senses — and more to us. I just didn’t know what.
I wanted to understand life. I wanted to know why we existed, where we were from and where we were going.
This desire for knowledge became an unwitting yet driving theme in my life. Any time I tried to make my life about anything else — anytime I tried to steer it in any other direction — it failed, often miserably.
About a decade ago, I hit rock bottom. Dealing with a chronic health problem that left me with next to no energy, I often found it hard to even get out of bed. My confidence and self-esteem plummeted as everything I had in the outer world began slipping away, including my relationship, job, social life and all the hopes and dreams I had for myself and my life.
I learned from the adversity, however.
As the Tao Te Ching says:
If you want to become whole, you must let yourself be broken.
As most people will attest, life can be pretty darn good at breaking us. The question is, how do we face the challenges that inevitably come our way? Do we let the suffering break us or make us?
I was in a bad place and I needed answers.
Struggling to build myself up physically, emotionally and mentally, my lifelong interest in Eastern spirituality became a consuming passion. It was all I really had left, and it seemed to promise the answers I sought. The notion of ‘enlightenment’, a ‘state of consciousness’ that seemingly offered an end to suffering and pain, was irresistible to me.
But, how? How did one go about attaining enlightenment?
I was diligent. I tried everything.
I meditated my ass off. I lit candles, burned incense, read countless books, learned about chakras and crystals, did qigong and yoga.
I tried many things, testing what worked and what didn’t, and figuring out what made sense and what didn’t. My search led me from New Agey stuff to more ancient, time-tested teachings such as Taoism, Buddhism and Zen.
I read Eckhart Tolle and Adyashanti, found things like the Work of Byron Katie and the Sedona Method which were amazing at helping take back control of the mind. Eventually, through the teachings of Indian sages such as Nisargadatta and Ramana Maharshi, I discovered Advaita Vedanta.
It was Vedanta that finally ended my search for answers.
I was blessed to find an amazing American teacher called James Swartz. The moment I met James in person and saw the light shining in his eyes, I knew I was in the presence of a truly free being.
I knew that if Vedanta didn’t work, nothing would.
Vedanta directly addresses the problem of human suffering. Enlightenment, I discovered, was not some mystical experience. It’s simply understanding the real nature of the self and reality.
I learned that freedom is not something we need to strive to add to ourselves.
Quite the opposite —
Freedom is our essential nature.
The source of our suffering is a case of mistaken identity. We think we’re one thing (our self-concept) when actually we’re something else altogether (the underlying awareness in which all concepts, and all things, are known). In Vedanta this is called superimposition; a result of avidya, or ignorance.
Outside of physical pain and immediate threats to our survival, our suffering is unwittingly self-created. It’s in the mind. Victim to our own self-limiting thoughts, interpretations, and conditioning, we are imprisoned in a cage made entirely of thought.
How do we get out of this cage?
Well, ignorance caused the problem, so only knowledge can solve it.
We were born free, and it’s up to us to now reclaim that freedom; not by adding anything to ourselves, but by subtracting anything that obscures the radiance of our own Self. When the false is removed, only what is true remains.
The Purpose of Unbroken Self
I created Unbroken Self as a way of sharing what I’ve learned and what has transformed my life.
The content of this site is written with love and integrity. As someone with a background in social science, I endeavour to share knowledge in a clear, grounded and concise way.
This began as a general spirituality/wellbeing site and is now primarily focused on Vedanta. I have love and respect for a great many spiritual teachings and paths, many of which helped me along my way, but Vedanta is an all-consuming love that only increased with time. I consider it the greatest gift of my life and I believe that gifts should be shared.
My only hope is that my words provide you with a glimpse of your true beauty and light — along with the tools and knowledge to set your mind free.
I’m glad you made it here and hope Unbroken Self is of help to you. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line. You can also sign up for the newsletter for updates (you’ll see the form just under this post).
– Rory
Don’t know where to start?
Here are some key articles.
The Essence of Vedanta
Limitation, the Quest For Liberation, the Four Human Pursuits
Samsara and How to Escape the Wheel of Suffering
Who Are You? How to Practice Vedantic Self-Inquiry
What is the Self? Vedanta and the Power of Self-Knowledge
Karma Yoga: The Secret Mindset For Living a Stress-Free Life
Mastering Your Mind and Life
Living With Integrity and Authenticity
The 3 Gunas: A Revolutionary Model For Mastering Your Mind and Life
Toltec Wisdom and How to Tame the Parasite In Your Mind
Is It Time to Change Your Story?
How to Change Negative Thoughts and Beliefs
Self Esteem: The Only Thing You Ever Need to Know About Your Self-Worth
The Secret to Being Autotelic in 3 Steps
The Bitter Truth: Why Life Owes You Nothing
7 Life-Changing Things I Learned From the Tao Te Ching
Taoism 101: Ancient Wisdom to Transform Your Life
5 Most Important Things I’ve Learned About Relationships
Context is Key: The Secret to Inner Peace
Wu Wei: 4 Steps to Mastering Actionless Action
Emotional Freedom
Saying Yes to the Mess: Emotional Healing and Overcoming Stress
The Secret To Understanding and Mastering Your Emotions
Clean Pain and Dirty Pain: The Two Types of Emotional Suffering
Taoist Dissolving Meditation: A Powerful Technique For Healing Emotions
Why the Internet is Making Us Dumber
Insolvent Apocalypse: Why Money Isn’t Real But is Destroying Us and the Planet
How Do We Save a World On the Brink of Collapse?