You are That which is both within and without. You are Shiva; you are everything everywhere! Why, then, is your mind so deluded? Why do you run about life a frightened ghost?”
Avadhuta Gita
I hope this finds you well! I’m happy to announce a new book release: my translation of Dattatreya’s Avadhuta Gita, a timeless Vedantic text and profound meditation on our nature as pure, Nondual Consciousness. It includes commentary on select verses, highlighting and exploring some of these themes.
All seven chapters have been up on the website for some time, although I went through the book repeatedly, rewriting and editing both verses and commentary until I was reasonably satisfied with it. It’s a beautiful little book, almost pocket-sized (depending on the size of your pockets, of course) and would make a lovely addition to any beside table.
I will say that the Avadhuta Gita is an advanced text and not for those unfamiliar with Vedanta. It’s necessary to have a grounding in the teaching first, otherwise it may not make a whole lot of sense. But for those that are ready and open, I believe it’s one of the most beautiful exhortations of our true nature as boundless Consciousness or Awareness; the light in which all the worlds appear and dance.
The book is available now! You can purchase the ebook from the online shop here, or it will be available from Amazon Kindle, Apple Books and numerous other retailers in the next few days.
It’s also available in paperback from Amazon and most likely any other online retailer you can think of. I’ve kept the price as low as possible. I don’t get rich selling books, but I want it to be as affordable as possible in these difficult times. I don’t currently sell paperbacks from the web shop, mainly due to the rising cost of postage and Brexit difficulties which have been making overseas sales prohibitively expensive for all concerned. But the book should be widely available, so do check it out.